The Understanding Cement Bookstore

Listed below are free and paid-for books and ebooks, all unique to Understanding Cement.

Image of book cover: Understanding Cement

The Understanding Cement Printed Book:

The faststart user-friendly insight into cement production, cement hydration and cement and concrete chemistry.

Click here or on the image for more info.

Price: $65 US + $12 shipping worldwide.

Image of cover of book: SEM of cement and concrete

Scanning Electron Microscopy of Cement and Concrete:

The essential book for anyone involved in SEM of cement and concrete.

Click here or on the image for more info.

Price: $97 US + $10 shipping worldwide.

Image of ebook cover: 10 potential causes of cement-related low strength in concrete

Low Concrete Strength? Ten Potential Cement-Related Causes:

Ebook describing some of the more common ways that factors relating to cement can cause low strength. PDF format.

Price: free when you subscribe to "Cembytes", our newsletter.

Click here or on the image to sign up for Cembytes.

Image of cement glossary page

Cement Glossary:

The Understanding Cement glossary contains over 100 definitions of words used in cement science. PDF format.

Price: free when you subscribe to "Cembytes", our newsletter.

Click here or on the image to sign up for Cembytes.



And how to identify them


Low Concrete Strength? Twenty-Seven Potential Cement-Related Causes and how to identify them:

A much-extended version of the free "10 Causes..." ebook, this Book/ebook describes many of the factors relating to cement that can cause low strength.

Additionally, it suggests what analytical techniques might be used to identify them, where possible.

Price: $47 US for ebook version, $67 US +shipping for printed version, for those who indicate their interest in advance.

If you would like to be advised when this book/ebook is available (without commitment) click here.


An Overview for Managers



Guide to Analytical Techniques in Cement and Concrete Analysis: an Overview for Managers

This book is a guide to analytical techniques used in cement and concrete examinations, intended for technical managers and others who commission investigations into cementitious materials.

The book suggests what techniques may be used in particular circumstances, what the analyses may be expected to show, or not show, and gives an  indication of the price band.

(NOTE: it is not a laboratory manual detailing how to carry out the analyses, it is a management summary designed to help managers decide what techniques they should request in particular situations.)

Price: $TBA

The timing will depend to some degree on the numbers of people who express an interest in it.

Please click here if you would like to be advised when this book/ebook is available (without commitment).